long, long sleep, like princesses in a castle tower

It is 6.30 am. My kids are kayaking. They have been feeding "crix" crackers to the cocricos.

Reader, we went to bed at 7.30 last night. Sean's phone rang at 8.30, so we switched off both our rings. That didn't stop my alarm from going off at three, and sean's at four, but we STILL slept like dead creatures. I hope that Kelli and Brett next door had less interruptions than we did. Sean is still snoring. We were all just so exhausted yesterday, as we have had crazy days leading up to this big holiday.

Brett is out on the beach in the very early sunshine, keeping an eye on the boys I assume.

We have a "lifejacket" rule, unbreakable and steadfast. If you are in a small craft like a laser sailboat, kayak, or dinghy, you must wear a proper lifejacket. My boys have grown up with that, so it is pretty automatic for them. Once in a while Max will try to prove that he is bigger and stronger than anyone, and he will flex his muscles and say that HE could swim right across the bay and therefore doesn't need a lifejacket. Then, we have the discussion about how BIG MEN have been hit on their head by a boom and fallen in unconscious, etc, and anyway it is the RULE!!

We don't have that many RULES, I realise. I like it that way, as I am not a great policewoman. The RULE in Mayaro is: Don't go into the sea unless there is an adult there with you. The currents in Mayaro are treacherous. We can get to Mayaro and say "What is THE RULE?" and the kids know. They can't forget one rule. The few who have forgotten, have never been invited back. This is sad and harsh, but what would I tell their parents? "Your kid broke the rule, see? And now I can't find them!" They will have to come and bring the whole family, so that they can watch their own kid.

We have traditions: Sunblock goes on after breakfast and lunch, for example. It is a habit, which makes it easier to remember. Homework right after dinner. No computer games after five? But these are sometimes stretched, sometimes ignored. It may be raining, Sean may want to play with the kids. Flexibility is good.

What rules does everyone out there have with their kids? Should I be firmer with, say, a homework rule? I do hate scrambling to finish homework late or in the morning.

Perhaps I will get up and look at the boys playing in the early morning sunlight. And the Mot-mot, and the cocricos. And have a cup of tea.


Anonymous said…
rule 1: No outright disobediance
rule 2: No flagrant disrespect
Anonymous said…
We used to have to get our homework done before dinner.. until secondary school, when there is more homework than hours in the day from mean teachers who think that theirs in your only responsibility.

And on weekends, homework was to be done before cartoons etc. There was no last-minute Sunday night rush allowed.

i had a strict teacher-man for a daddy, go figure.

I wonder how I will be with this when my time comes??
We don't have a lot of rules either.
We have the life jacket rule and the never ever ever unlock the pool gate unless you are with an adult.

That's the BIG one.