Chirpy is very well and happy, and enjoys spending time in Mum's pocket when sleepy. Tomorrow is a public holiday. YAYYY! I have been feeling so TIRED and disorganized, that I don't know whether to sleep all day or clean and organize the house. Fortunately, I will be unable to sleep with three boys being noisy and hungry from dawn to dusk. Sean will be at work tomorrow, so there will be no Daddy distractions around, and I will not be able to creep up to bed and do my toenails. But I will put the boys all to work vacuuming and cleaning the toilet. HA! So it's not so bad. We will do stuff before it gets too hot, as it was 60,000,472 degrees in the shade today.

Chirpy is a rock groupie chick! I am jealous.
Picture, if you will, a full-grown groupie chick... I foresee difficulties!