Bliss Is A Cat In My Lap

We are back, and the holidays are officially winding down. Today, Sean took the boys to see the start of The Great Race, a powerboat racing event of huge appeal for men and small boys who love noise, speed, and flashy paint jobs. Lulu the cat and I cannot believe our luck, and we stayed in bed till ten to prove it.

I realise that I have been a lousy blogger lately: I have two awards to pass on, and there are some of my favorite Blogs which I have been meaning to put on my List for everyone to click and visit. Definitely some bloggy housekeeping to do around here. I have two guest posts which I promised to write, as well as some other potentially great posts knocking about in my head. But I think I will go shopping with Sharon instead, and procrastinate some more.


Anonymous said…
Sleeping in till 10? That would be something heavenly. Doesn't matter how late I gets to bed, I wake up at 7.
Candygirlflies said…
Please don't feel at all guilty about the procrastination... I, too, feel pretty dreadful about being "absent" from the blog-o-sphere of late, but it IS important to keep up with "real life", too!!

I've missed you, my friend! Enjoy the rest of the summer, and I look forward to getting all caught up with you soon!

Lots of love, CGF xo
BlueBella said…
Oh a cat to snuggle with in bed . . sure beats a manicou (sp?) I'm sure! Totally jealous of your feline lounging . . .glad you enjoyed.
Anonymous said…
In bed until 10--further proof that you are living the dream, girlfriend!
Heidi said…
I love to blog, but if I had to choose I would totally go for the kitty snuggles in bed. Love kitty snuggles. Is it just me or does procrastination get easier as you get older?
Heidi said…
I love to blog, but if I had to choose I would totally go for the kitty snuggles in bed. Love kitty snuggles. Is it just me or does procrastination get easier as you get older?
Theresa said…
Oh Gosh!!! I forgot about Great Race!! How did it go? I've been a bit delinquent in my blogging too... but in my keeping with new Feng Shui kick, I need to clean it up a bit so that new energy can flow through and revitalise it. Feng Shui does apply to the cyber world too right??
Glinda said…
Thanks for stopping by.

You said you stopped by because we share the same name about this .. from your profile I see we are both Pisces and you ... 35? me ... 53, LOL!
Unknown said…
Ah, procrastination. My friend, my compatriot, that thing I'm so good at. According to SWMBO, anyway. Have fun shopping. And just get around to all that other stuff, later .. when you feel like it. Anytime. *yawn* I need a nap.

SWMBO = She Who Must Be Obeyed