* Sean is leeeeaving, ooon a jet plane.... He's somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean on his way to London, Sveeden, France and Mauritania. He will be back in NoVEMBER! Waaaah!
* Is it normal that Max is ALWAYS dressed up as something? I was thinking "Not ALWAYS" but in fact, when he is not dressed up as Harry Potter/ Aragorn/ a dementor/ a rock star, he is wearing a soccer uniform in the colours of England/ Germany/ School/ Sveeden. I suspect that he loves soccer and taekwondo only for the costumes. He once asked me to make a Spider-Man cape, which of course I did, black with a velvet applique spider, VERY cool. He wore it to preschool every. single. day. Excuse me? If Spider-Man HAD a cape, he WOULD wear one.
* Sharon and I would like to know whether videotaping your 10-year-old son having a homework-related tantrum and then showing it to his cousins so that they could laugh at him constitutes child abuse? Place your votes now! I promised to do some video-ing of my own so that we could put them all together and make a really great homework-tantrum medley montage thingy. Unfortunately, ever since then all homework has been done with nary a sigh. How sad!
* I am kinda exhausted. We had a celebration/ farewell/ bon voyage party for Sean at his Mum and Dad's house on Friday night. Apologies to everyone who I didn't call, in fact I didn't call anyone. It was very last minute. Sean invited two work buddies so naturally 7,492 people turned up. Good thing they know to bring their drinks!
* It was one of those weeks, every time I thought I was organized Sean called and said "I forgot my book at the doctor's office!" so I sweetly went downtown and got it for him. "My passport is ready!" so I sweetly went and got it for him. "I can't find my letter/ flash drive/ money/ keys/ book/ shoes/ malaria pills/ underwear/ brain!" and I (mostly) sweetly joined the search party. Every single thing in the house was laundered, darned, mended, folded, found, lost, found again, aired out, pronounced smelly, lost again, found, re-folded, labeled, and packed. I felt very sorry for Sean's brain freezes, poor feller, he had way too many things to think about. I tried to keep up, but see burned cookie item for proof that I couldn't!
* The boys have been fractious and bickering, which is not normal. I plan to immerse them in soccer and taekwondo for the next two weeks, which will be a little tiring for she who drives the car, but it will keep them busy and entertained while we get used to a Dad-free time.
* I am sure we will all be fine. Sean is off, blazing a trail for us and checking out life in other climes, and it's exciting to think that a year from now we might be ANYWHERE!
p.s. this is STL Mom, but Google wouldn't let me sign in...
Love the drama boy--my sons are costume types too and it's such a delight to see their creativity & enthusiasm!
My thoughts are many miles away,
They lie with You when You're asleep,
and kiss You when You start your day...........
I miss you my love.