He's Leeeeaving, On A Jet Plane....

Yup, Sean is on his way to England, France and Mauritania. He will be gone for the entire month of December.

I have been pretty busy, and tired. Pooped. Exhausted. You know what? I need exercise. I was hoping to add a second yoga class to my week, but that won't be possible. I can't lose any more work time, with sales finally picking up. I have a skipping rope, but geeez, it's hard to exercise when you're tired even when you KNOW it will make you feel more energetic in the long run. I thought I would tell y'all that I intend to get some exercise and that would make me actually do it. Yoga and skipping, that's the plan. Nag me, somebody.

Another thought: I have been telling my sweet children lies all week. You know the ones. Santa Claus, etc. How can any parent not do this? I know there are parents who feel that their kids have a right to the TRUTH, but me? I am going to fib till they are twenty-one. Right now, they think that Santa asked me to pick up some stuff for him because they spotted some MYSTERIOUS BAGS about. Oh, and Santa has email. "GO AWAY, I AM CHATTING WITH SANTA!"

Every year, on Christmas Eve night, I hang chocolate ornaments on the tree. They are usually eaten before breakfast, most of them, and the boys keep finding them for days hidden among the branches. This year I haven't been able to buy any! So I will probably have to thread some chocolates with gold thread and hang them. Because it's SANTA! It's MAGIC! And we are EXPECTING chocolate ornaments hidden in the tree! I can't just say "There were none in the mall", can I?

Surely I am not the only parent who will go to any extreme to keep the Santa Myth alive?


Unknown said…
It was spoiled for me at a young age - but I kept it alive for my boys as long as I could. (I think my 17 year old still kind of wonders)

Skip rope!! That is SO GOOD for you. And Yoga. Yah. Do it!! Yoga - or whatever you call it when you actually do it.
Islandgirl said…
hey Chris told me once he piled up a BIG heap of dog poop in the center of their yard and told his daughter it was reindeer poop the next morning, I think he had been saving some for DAYS..I think that is extreme don't you? hehe
Islandgirl said…
I'll try to find the photo of Mikey in awe over the reindeer tracks in our kitchen for you to post. And no OUR reindeers had the decency not to poop!
Theresa said…
What do you mean Santa Myth???
Anonymous said…
No. This is a good lie to tell them. I've gone to similar extremes.
Anonymous said…
I was always careful what Santa lies I told. Just the bare minimum.
Santa at the mall? Was not the real Santa. It was someone hired by the mall.
Nan Sheppard said…
Of COURSE that's not the real Santa! The real Santa is busy!
GirlBlue said…
You know when I said that I would send him back to the desert for almost hitting your car and then arguing about it, I didn't actually think you would ;)

I have Santa's phone number and address so that anytime there is any naughtiness, I know who to call