Our New Pet

Yesterday morning I opened my eyes, yawned, stretched, and noticed a tarantula on my ceiling. In a shaft of sunlight. But not sexy. An expert at tarantula removal, I prepared to remove it. My resident Biology Professor had other ideas.

Until recently, we have had some crayfish in an aquarium. When they got too big, we released them back into the exact same streams where he found them. They were educational, interesting and non-venomous. I liked them. Their aquarium has been lonely since then and obviously needed a tenant. So now we have a pet tarantula.

We (including me!) have touched his legs. They are hairy. The boys blogged about the new pet this morning, and even learned how to do links, and soon they will post pictures! Check it out. The video link is scary, by the way. Tarantula catching and eating a mouse. Not for arachnophobes!

Now, I will go back to cleaning my house, with an emphasis on dark spidery corners. Happy Sunday all!


Anonymous said…
I love Chas. Abel would have freaked. He doesn't like spiders.
witchypoo said…
Spiders only freak me out when I unexpectedly encounter them. I think this might have freaked me out, if it weren't for the pretty pink toes.
Nan Sheppard said…
Chas was actually bitten a few weeks ago. He jumped into bed and surprised a smallish one, which bit him. Chas was more concerned about whether the spider was okay than about his bite. The tarantula took off out the window with great speed.
Unknown said…
That gives me the shivers. And having been in that house and knowing about the scorpions - and now tarantulas - I think I'm glad that there are no such things in England - and the next time I'll ever have a chance to visit you (if I do) it will be there -where there are no tarantulas in the wild and no scorpions, either.
Anonymous said…
Gah! I'd have been screaming bloody murder. Just sayin.
Scary Mommy said…
I am going to have nightmares about this post. I just *know* it!