The Saga Continues...

Or, as Chas put it as we drove up the driveway, "Gosh, we've hardly been home at all for WEEKS!"

We just got home, again. And I'm going "Dudes, we gotta do some more math. Starting today." If homeschooling were all about science, literature and mechanics we would be fine and dandy and never have to come home at all. We could stay Down de Islands and snorkel around the cave-y island of Gasparee and tweak the RC Boat engine with Daddy and read stories and discuss why you feel water pressure behind your hand when you swoosh it through the sea.

I have MORE stories to tell about our hikes earlier this week, (no wait... last week!) and some photos to post, and Down de Islands news and I intend to do it all nicely, in chronological order, remembering all of the interesting bits and taking notice of my spelling and composition. Thus, you will probably not hear from me at all for some time! I wrote the last post in a huge hurry while dripping blood from my thumb and I just know I left out some interesting stuff about the leeches. And I KNOW you want to hear more about leeches! Stay tuned!

Edited: For a really good laugh and some serious upside-down boob action, see "why moms can't do yoga" on myspace. I looked for it on youtube too, but it has been flagged as an evil breastfeeding liberalist video with A BREAST! Goodness gracious! So to see it on youtube you have to be a member. As if we'd want to. Anti-breast eunuchs. Pah!


Anonymous said…
Leeches! A nice segue to your yoga mom link--hahaha!
Nan Sheppard said…
BWAAHAHAHAAHA! Oh lord, Greengirl, I never even saw that... wiping tears from my eyes!
Unknown said…
Upside down boob action? Boy, you know how to get a guy's interest, don't you? Going to go watch now ....
Unknown said…
OH YES!! I had to watch it twice, 'cause the first time I was laughing so hard the tears in my eyes interfered with the view.
Islandgirl said…
Are you SERIOUS?? They flagged it on U Tube??? But they will allow gang violence and cursing and obscene gyration by every Tom, Dick and Brittany?? Go figure!! I'm going to write my protest to UTube right now!!
Islandgirl said…
Right just voiced my disgust! Others should do the same. Banning dare they!
Nan Sheppard said…
You go, girl!