So that's a tiny bit of what's going on with me. It's all good, and working out, and I have plenty of loved ones who answer my questions over and over again, patiently, and will come with me flat-hunting. Whatever I don't know, someone else does. And! The people in offices, government or otherwise, are truly helpful: I asked for "Ummm, a pack of First-Aid stamps" yesterday and the teller smiled sweetly and said "That'll be First-Class stamps, a pack of six or would you rather twelve?" Everyone seems willing to slow down to my pace, even with a long line of customers behind or my children playing "Snap" noisily on the floor at the bank.
While I am spinning around, trying to get all of my t's crossed and my i's dotted, the boys have been having a wonderful time with aunts, uncles, friends and cousins. Myles has an air rifle, and the boys have turned out to be really good shots. Terrifying, though. No apple is safe.
It's SO GOOD to be with my sister. First of all, she's got this handbag like Hermione's Little Beaded Handbag from Book Seven: It expands to fit Everything You Could Ever Need for emergencies, entertaining boys, snacking, first aid, and keeping warm. And, we do girly things: Yesterday, after running around in the New Town doing chore-y things, we went to Ailis' flat, parked the boys in front of video games, and gave ourselves a pedicure and polish in VAMP RED! We have been waving our toes about since then. Hopefully we'll have a few more weeks of summer so that we can show off the Vamp Toenails, but perhaps I should wear SHOES tomorrow when I go flat-hunting with Charlotte, or prospective landlords will think I'm going to run a brothel? Alas.
My uncle Pat has been wonderful with the boys, which I should have totally expected: he had five of his own, after all, so he knows more about what boys need than I do! The boys have been finding crates of Lego from years gone by, and one entire room is now "The Lego Room"... why it has ended up that the NICEST guest bedroom is the Lego room while I have put myself into one of the smallest rooms, I don't know. It's one of those things. You throw your bags into the first room on the left and after that, moving becomes too much of an effort to bother. Plus, my little room is cozy. We have spread ourselves throughout the house, and are eating our way through the chest freezer - so far, we don't seem to have made a dent in the food but that's probably because we keep running to the shops for more strawberries and cream!
Sam is hoping that you will share your cake recipes with him, on the boys' blog. Hop on over there and we'll do some baking this weekend! Keep 'em simple, k? Strawberries and chocolate get extra points!
Sorry we couldn't link up. Knew it was probably wishful thinking what with you MOVING TO ENGLAND!!!!!!! Hang in there - the first few weeks will be over in a flash and you'll have settled into your new home and routine before you know it. Love to those boys and big hugs for you
I think you will be amazed at how quickly things are dealt with here and the support you can receive. This world is not run by the Vogons!
And hey if it does start to fray at the edges I'm sure there's something in my handbag that can fix it!
I loved reading your blog and all about the cake, wow I did not even know Sharon was getting married.
I can imagine how new and confusing everything is at first, when we were in Colorado, I felt exactly the same that everything we had to do, like simple things like order food in a delis etc, whereas everyone was doing it all so fast, we were so slow, but everyone was so nice and helpful. It really is a culture shock going into a first word country from a third world one, ad even though I have lived abroad, as have you, everything is so different when you have kids.
We had a wonderful time in the rocky Mountain,s I am kind of depressed to be back I have to admit though I love my home at least and the nature here. When you wrote in your bog about listening to the sounds of the river and the forest , that really touched me and funnily that is exactly what I was thinking in the rockies, listening to al the streams and rivers and such, that this is just existing all the time whether i am here or not, it all evolves, the seasons ad the long days leading in to short ones. the pure majesty and beauty of it all. All so perfectly orchestrated and beautiful wherever you are on this great planet.
I loved the feeling of safety that I felt in Colorado, in all five places that we were at, crime is just not something that affects the average man on the street and that is a blessing which I know you will have in England too.
Also, you are all very fortunate to have the support of family and friends and you are especially lucky to have a sister that you can share things and life with.
Good luck, please keep in touch, love you lots you know...
oh tell the boys I had a close encounter with a bear in the dark in the next door cabin, was going out to do the laundry at 11:00 and I scared a black bear tremendously , so much so that it dragged off the neighbour;s cooler full of strawberries, blueberries and cheese. Will let you know when I post pics, I put a few up on facebook a while go , dont know if you saw those.
Crap. I have a million questions. I just may have to go to England to get them all answered.
And because everything is really all about me... I signed up for my costume! YAY!!!! It is glitzy, shiny, pretty, skimpy, and orange. IM SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!! I check harts site a jillion times a day just to swoon and sing some wajang bachanalist music in my head.
Ok, back to you, Hey to the boys! Love to all of you!
I told you it was wajang and bachanalist!
Just back from a lovelymuchneededvacation in Toco. Got an extra couple of days when the bridge in Balandra collapsed and left us stranded on the other side and cut off from "civilisation". YIPPEE!!! If ever there was a place to be stranded it's Toco! Sun, sea, surf, baby!
Anyways, just catching up. Looks like I missed out on all your bachannal.
Arriving in 'jolly ole' intact with all safe and sound!
Hitting the ground running!
Waking up dem Brits with a little red Caribbean hot-up-ness. Toes off to you!
Well done! You did it woman! You've made it to the land of books, glorious books!
Don't forget to get the flat where the lighting is just right for that art studio you've always promised yourself. You know the one. It's right above the deli and bakery on the yellow brick road ;)
Keep smiling
c/o Nan:
Warmest wonderfulest wishes to you MRS.Sharon!
GREAT to hear from you! :) And a Lego room...wow. What a fantastic uncle.