We went hiking to a new waterfall yesterday, the last great bush adventure before our great adventure in a new land! It was beautiful. Nobody Whined. I am lucky that Kelly has the same camera as I do, and I could just plug it into my laptop before we left... My camera has conked out!
We will miss you our Brasso Seco friends! Issa and I stood in the river, all alone, while everyone else sped ahead. We listened to the noises of the forest and thought that wherever we are, whatever is happening in our lives, that river will keep flowing and the sounds of the forest will carry on. If we can all keep a piece of that in our hearts, it will be a good thing.
Keep blogging Kelly! We will be reading, from far away.
I love the rays of light in this shot.

There is so much moisture in the air that the flash lights the droplets up!
This is a "Deep Bush Coral", a rare snake! Non-venomous.... Chas was so happy to make a new snakey friend! They kept it overnight, and then let it go in the morning.
We will miss you our Brasso Seco friends! Issa and I stood in the river, all alone, while everyone else sped ahead. We listened to the noises of the forest and thought that wherever we are, whatever is happening in our lives, that river will keep flowing and the sounds of the forest will carry on. If we can all keep a piece of that in our hearts, it will be a good thing.
Keep blogging Kelly! We will be reading, from far away.
There are hints of a swan song between the lines.
Hang in there.
Snakey has a beautiful tum tum!
Loads of adventure in the UK, just think they could take up rockclimbing :) *being upbeat for you*
Girlblue... Carl is a great guide. You can contact him and Kelly at 868-718-8605. Carl is a snake adorer too, and you will be guaranteed to see cool slithery friends! The waterfall we went to, we called it after ourselves because as far as we know, it has no other name!
Krissa, I may need a new camera. *sniff*
Witchypoo, Chas will protect you from the snakes!
... You can now embark on a different type of forest adventure. A forest in changing seasons with different, yet still amazing and beautiful flora and fauna. The boys can study how the seasons affect it and why they are only seen at certain times of the year. Also why only certain plants grow in certain areas. Like on the Scottish Highlands and on the Yorkshire Mores. There is a lot to learn, see and do!
Fear not! I consider myself very lucky that I can compare the two. Not a lot of people have that!