Not the most attractively decorated room in the house, but somehow my favourite. It's got good Feng Shui, the sideboard is PERFECT there, and when our furniture arrives it's going to be really nice. That room is also where I do my Yoga, when I do, which is sporadically. Last night, after days of thinking that I should really get my minions to clean up the Lego so that I could Yogue in a peaceful Lego-free space, I decided to just go ahead and Yogue amidst the Lego. It was really great. I shoved the bits aside and plugged myself into the MP3 player I share with Chas. Scrolled past the "Dragonforce" hits to my Yoga playlist and had a longer, more satisfying session than the "few Sun Salutations" I had intended. I had to stop from time to time to shove Lego out from under my limbs, but I didn't mind.
I slept like a log, and feel great this morning. Which just goes to show, and the moral is, you should never let the tiny bits and pieces of life get in the way of your Yoga.