Quote Of The Day

People have made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when they plant shade trees under which they know full well they will never sit.

-Elton Trueblood

For Mum (thanks for the quote, Karen!)


Unknown said…
Well Said. Uh ... Well quoted. Whatever. Well done you.
Nan Sheppard said…
Heh. No work at all in this one!
Anonymous said…
pssst...we actually don't sit under our trees... we lay on our backs and wonder at the sunbeams as they chase each other in and out of the swaying fronds

Nan Sheppard said…
Of course... it is hard to gaze up while sitting.
Anonymous said…
That is indeed the defintion of hopeful, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
Incidentally, I got a new mop this weekend and it surprised me. I felt like we were Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers
...except that I am female and don't dance anywhere near his genius and Miss Mop was a platinum blonde with a twig of a body...
yeh, so anyway, point being sometimes taking the plunge with a new mop is quite refreshing actually...
Glad that you took the plunge and went to 'Jolly Ole'?

Nan Sheppard said…
Aaargh, not with the Mopping Metaphors again, I'm going to RESIST! My English mop lacks character...

Green Girl, people who plant trees are wise!
Islandgirl said…
Tell your mum the two cedars at school are going great! :-)