Did anyone see the lunar eclipse? It was too misty here, sigh! We had our Solstice Party and it was awesome. Happiness and food on the floor and only one broken wine glass (English people are more careful with the stemware than Trinis?)
Today is cleanup and recovery day. Friends and family are helping to eat the leftovers and watching films (currently, 'Ponyo
') So I leave you with a photo of O Sprawling Metropolis of Bethlehem:
Which Max, Venus and I made with the crèche figures and a mega collage and glitter etc. Is it not STUNNINGLY AMAZING? It's a keeper.
Also, our enormous Solstice Sun, (made by Charlotte and I) which, when we hung it up, caused Bournemouth to start defrosting.
Happy Christmas all!
Today is cleanup and recovery day. Friends and family are helping to eat the leftovers and watching films (currently, 'Ponyo
Which Max, Venus and I made with the crèche figures and a mega collage and glitter etc. Is it not STUNNINGLY AMAZING? It's a keeper.
Also, our enormous Solstice Sun, (made by Charlotte and I) which, when we hung it up, caused Bournemouth to start defrosting.
Happy Christmas all!
Merry Whatever to you and yours.