Things in Pockets

SAND! You know spring is coming when we've got pockets full of sand. And, socks which are clean, but when you try to turn them right-side-out you realise that you have washed a sock full of sand. and then you have nice clean sand on the kitchen floor. But who cares, it means the weather is warming up!

Lists, also nice and clean. I wonder what was written on them? We'll never know.

Half a biscuit.

Come on, Spring!


Anonymous said…
That's the only reason I could see life at the beach being tiresome--sand. But I think I could get over it.
I returned to spring springing in our little Italian corner of the world. I'm watching the dogwoods bloom!
Nan Sheppard said…
Oh Grandmother, you get Spring FIRST! I don't mind sand in the house, it just makes me think "Yay for living close to the beach!" ... but I DO mind it in my bed!