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Happy Monday peeps!

Just a quickie to say, "I'm still here!"

I seem to be just getting past a very busy time, with lots of unexpected events and requests for little things like 1500 word articles, which, hopefully, are better written and with shorter sentences than this post, but remember that this is MY blog and I can write as badly as I want here, and sudden promotions at work, and boys who get minor colds and need to stay home from school on the worst day... It's calming down now, I've managed to cross things off my 'Things To Do URGENT' list, and demanded a minion at work, who started last week, and it's SO good to have a minion. I can hear myself think for a change. And DELEGATE.

Tonight I was doing yoga - I have all my yoga music on my phone, so it's really easy to switch on and take ten minutes or half an hour for myself - and Max came to join me. We did sun salutations facing one another, and invented 'Cobras Kissing' pose. Then Chas and Sam joined us and we had a headstand contest, because with Chas everything is competitive. I thought I was the headstand champion of the world, but Chas beat me by a full 15 seconds! Not the most relaxing yoga session ever but I loved it.

Then we all jumped into bed and had a snuggle. And that's all my news for now. What's making you busy these days?


Anonymous said…
How cool that your boys do yoga with you.
Back to school made us busy here. And today I'm on the couch sick as all get-out with a sinus infection.
What a sweet scene you painted with the boys. What's keeping me busy these days is learning more about and writing poetry. It makes me do happy dances in joy!