No friends at all... no fault but my own...

Goodness me. The laundry, it is plentiful.

Some months ago, I did a very anti-social thing: I deleted everybody except Sean from my Facebook site. Yes, EVERYBODY! I left Sean, because he has six million, eleven hundred thousand, four hundred and seventy seven friends, and if any of THEM want to see my pictures they are welcome.

At the time, I meant to email everyone and say "Deleted you, nyah nyah!" or maybe "Please don't be hurt, it's not that I don't love you but Facebook sucks!"

But I didn't. And I am very very sorry if anyone has been trying to email me and cannot reach me, and thinks that I deleted them specifically. Naturally, when I deleted you I also lost your email addresses.

Why, *YES*, I'm a natural blonde.

It's not you, honey, it's everyone. I hate you all. No, that's not right. I love you all, but I hate Facebook. I know. I have taken plenty of abuse about this from my so-called friends, who think I am an anti-Facebook weirdo. Feel free to discuss my weirdness in the comments below. Thank you.


Unknown said…
Natural blonde?? Well, there goes MY mind, running off in yet another direction - at least it could be pleasant - anyway, No Facebook? I could care less. As long as you're here. THIS is where you belong.
Ndinombethe said…
Far from it - a woman after my own heart. I deactivated my account a few months back.

Since then I've been greeted with:
"Wha happen? We had words? Why you ignoring my friend request?"

"You removed me as a friend?"

etc etc etc...

The email addresses - oops. Can't help you there!
Anonymous said…
I'm not in facebook either and I think drinking wine while doing laundry is a perfectly lovely idea. Cheers to ya!
This made me laugh - I just joined facebook this week. The Husband made me do it ;)
GirlBlue said…
Not on Facebook! Oh the horror!

I didn't even notice I had been kicked to the curb.
Anonymous said…
heh heh heh heh heh. I think you know how I feel about Facebook and MySpace. I'm sorry, but they DON'T COUNT.
Anonymous said…
Oh I hate Facebook.
Theresa said…
But you MUST log in to facebook to see my video. It is totally worth it. Trust me.