The boys rush out with the camera - a shockproof, waterproof Olympus Tough
that I totally recommend - and take a meeeeelion pictures and videos of themselves. They set up Lego stop-action shorts, jump off of things and then watch themselves in reverse, act out Jedi stunts, make silly faces... And then I try to upload photos from the camera and it takes ages, and I yell "WHAT IS ALL THIS CRAP ON THE CAMERA?!" But actually, many of their pictures (maybe one out of 12,857?) are classics.
They know all of the camera's special features, and have way more patience than I do, sitting in the cold and taking ninety-nine high-speed ramping photos. Their underwater pictures are classics, too.
I think I'll stop yelling at them. Maybe they are destined to be famous film producers? What they really need is a program for editing their videos, for cutting, reversing and so on. Any suggestions?
They know all of the camera's special features, and have way more patience than I do, sitting in the cold and taking ninety-nine high-speed ramping photos. Their underwater pictures are classics, too.
I think I'll stop yelling at them. Maybe they are destined to be famous film producers? What they really need is a program for editing their videos, for cutting, reversing and so on. Any suggestions?