Co-Sleeping: All The Cool Kids Are Doing It!

Babies have been sleeping with their parents since time began, and over most of the world, the Family Bed is still the most popular choice for parents: A 2006 study in India found 93% of children aged 3-10 still co-sleeping, only moving to another bed (usually to share with a sibling or other family member) when the next baby comes along. The trend of putting baby to sleep in a separate bed, in a separate ROOM, is a modern and mainly Western phenomenon, opening up a whole new market for cribs, bedding, mobiles, and nursery-decorating merchandise...

Read the Full Article at GNM Parents! Full of good stuff, if I do say so myself.


i am the diva said…
when we had Chewie, he ended up in his own room after a few months, mostly because i was a light sleeper... and likely cuz i'm selfish - there's already a lack of extra space in the bed with just the hubs in there with me.
Anonymous said…
This is interesting--and also more interesting to note that other sleep research indicates married women sleep better alone while married men sleep better with their spouses next to them. We let babies sleep in our room until about 6-8 months--when they were sleeping through the night. Now all 3 boys share a room and they all sleep fine. But having more rooms is definitely a wealth factor, isn't it?
Unknown said…
Isn't co-sleeping a sort of de facto birth control mechanism? said…
Wow! That is fascinating.
Still... it's hard to imagine doing it differently for me and my household. But I can totally respect someone else doing it if they feel like it's for them.
Gees, it sounds like I am trying to straddle the fence, but I'm not. I really feel like I couldn't/wouldn't want to do it.
Nan Sheppard said…
Ha, Lou, yes!

HalfAsstic, that's fine. There is this fear and denial about co-sleeping that needs to be dispelled, so that it becomes an acceptable option... instead of someting to feel guilty about!