You Know What REALLY Freaks Me Out?

It's a bank holiday weekend here in Olde England! Which means that we can wave goodbye to the luverly weather we've been having and say hello to traditional English Bank Holiday Rain. Fact! But we will have fun anyway, lolling on my sister's sofa for the whole weekend and eating rainy barbecue and watching 'Fawlty Towers' DVDs. Bliss!

And, I am going to talk about something today that really disturbs me. I think it would be good therapy, you know? To Talk.


You know when you have to untie wet laces? Shoelaces, or even *shudder* track pants laces??? OH MY GOD THAT JUST CRAWLS MY BLOOD!!!! Am I alone in this? Do other (seemingly normal) people freak out when they do these things? I mean, I don't FREAK OUT like running down the road naked, just sort of quietly "aaaaargh!" Or maybe there's something else that freaks you out, and you need to get it off your chest? Tell me all, and I'll give you a sympathetic ear, because I love you and I understand. Okay?


The Mother said…
Do a few autopsies or gross a few surgical specimens, and wet shoelaces won't do it for you any more.
Unknown said…
I had this whole list ... but then I saw The Mother's comment, and somehow my list seems to pale by comparison. I'm going to slink away now. But dealing with spiders and snakes STILL gets me.
Anonymous said…
Wet shoelaces are gross. AGreed.
Nan Sheppard said…
Oh, TheMother, I know what you mean a little... I used to hate worms, but when I had to dig for them to feed our baby opossums, I got to kinda not hate them so much... Oh my gosh, maybe the wet laces thing is a transferred worm thing???

I used to work at an animal shelter, taking maggots out of wounds. I was fine with that, somehow. Hmmmm...
Anonymous said…
Okay...this is going to be really disgusting so be warned...
You know how at certain times of the year, i.e. the pre-school worming time, you hover over your kids' tushes at night, shining a torch light, searching for any signs of unwanted lifeforms, after observing pre-warning symptoms like itchyness?
Have you ever caught sight of said critter :{

aclare said…
Ok i'll come clean. Wet laces, spiders, certain fleecy synthetic fabrics, soggy food and feet. These are the things that crawl my blood. (Suddenly I fee like Julie Andrews!) I'm going to be the parent who DOESN'T eat the sucked offerings... I just can't... brrrrr... just thinking about it makes me shiver!!
Anonymous said…
oh...and this...
I can walk through the bush and mud barefoot, no problemo, but wet floors freak me out big time (especially bathroom floors EEEP!!)

This is a tough topic for a nurse- you'd be so surprised what we have to get over and get used to! But even after autopsies, surgeries, and dressing changes of all sorts I CANNOT stand someone next to me cracking their knuckles. My skin crawls, I shiver and if it's my husband, I want to slug him! It HAS to stop!
Nan Sheppard said…
aclare my sister, SPIDERS? Really? Hee hee!

Vicki, ugh, yes... once.

Grandmother, I'll try not to crack my knuckles near you!
Nan Sheppard said…
And then there's TICKS! Aaaaaah!
OMG, I forgot about the ticks! Their bodies get big, fat and round with blood and then you have to pick them off- eeeewwww!
Yes. Relax here on this couch. Let me help you all.
These are all deepseated phobia and phoibles (I had to spell that in Latin) that are the remnant memories of missed opportunities and repressed desire, generally manifested along with warts, hair loss and the failure to pick the winning lotto number.
It is all very Scientific.
The cure, for everything y'all have listed above, is to hug the next worm, spider, snake, entrail, etc. that comes along.
Worked for me!
heheheheheh. said…
I hate having to stick my fingers in places where I can't see whats there. You know, like car handles, and bowling balls and under the lip of anything that has been made to be a handy handle, but who knows WHAT is under there where I am about to put my fingers!
OK. Now I feel better. ;-)
Nan Sheppard said…
Dad, BWAHAHAAA! Thank you, we all feel so much better now!

Halfasstic, Ooooh, I know what you mean!