So I've landed right in the middle of St Patrick's Day celebrations. No, St Patrick's Day isn't till Thursday, but try telling that to the folks in New Jersey! There were guys in kilts, bands playing "Danny Boy"... (not that Irish, you say? No, wait for it...)
The De Lorean from 'Back To The Future', Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine...
Even the dogs got all dressed up!
There was a Carnival atmosphere, with face painting, weird cars and people on balconies around the park.
And some people were not impressed. Parade? What parade? Seriously, though, it was great fun. The bands were awesome, friendly people were everywhere. It was very well organized. And the Morristown Hyatt hotel is right in the action, with gallons of Guinness being guzzled downstairs as we speak.
The De Lorean from 'Back To The Future', Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine...
Even the dogs got all dressed up!

St. Patrick defeated the Druids in a display of faith over magic, bringing Christianity to Ireland. He is NOT the Patron Saint of Drunks, as certain people would like to believe. He 'plucked a shamrock', or clover, from the sward, and taught the assembled chieftains of Erin the story of the Holy Trinity using the three leaves, hence the shamrock. Imagine, I never knew this before (I just looked it up on Wikipedia, because when we said "Who was St Patrick, anyway?" No-one knew). I hang my O'Connor head in shame!
Awesome pics Nan! Your week has started off with a bang..err..bagpipe..hey isn't that Scottish? :-)
I'll drink an ale to your safe arrival, and to Saint Paddy.
May you both find room at the Bar. Always.
I'm glad you're having such a fabulous time! Not too much Guinness, now! ;-)